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Reasons Why Your Credit Score Drops

Credit Score

Imagine this: You’re about to apply for a loan or a credit card, and you confidently check your credit score, only to find it has dropped unexpectedly.

What happened?

Why did your once-healthy credit score take a nosedive?

Understanding the reasons behind a sudden drop in your credit score can feel like decoding a mystery, but it's crucial for maintaining your financial health.

Top 10 Reasons Why Your Credit Score Drops

Let’s dive deep into the most common reasons why your credit score might drop and how you can address these issues to keep your credit score in top shape.

1. Late or Missed Payments

The Impact

One of the most significant factors affecting your credit score is your payment history. Payment history accounts for 35% of your FICO score, and even a single late payment can cause a noticeable drop. Credit bureaus like Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion keep a close eye on your payment habits and failing to pay on time signals financial irresponsibility.

Why It Happens?

Life is unpredictable, and sometimes payments slip through the cracks. Maybe you forgot to set a reminder, or an unexpected expense disrupted your budget. Regardless, late or missed payments are red flags to lenders.

How to Fix It?

  • Set up Automatic Payments: Automate your payments to ensure you never miss a due date.

  • Create Reminders: Use calendar alerts or financial apps to remind you of upcoming payments.

  • Communicate with Lenders: If you miss a payment, contact your lender immediately. Sometimes, they offer grace periods or alternative payment plans.

2. Increased Credit Utilization

The Impact

Credit utilization refers to the percentage of your available credit that you’re using. It makes up about 30% of your credit score. A sudden spike in credit card balances can significantly lower your score, even if you’re making payments on time.

Why It Happens?

You might have had an emergency expense, a large purchase, or simply forgot to pay off your balance in full. High credit utilization suggests to lenders that you might be over-reliant on credit.

How to Fix It?

  • Pay Down Balances: Focus on paying off your credit card balances as quickly as possible.

  • Request a Credit Limit Increase: This can lower your utilization ratio, but be cautious not to increase your spending.

  • Distribute Spending: Spread your expenses across multiple credit cards to keep individual balances low.

3. Closing a Credit Account

The Impact

Closing a credit account can lower your credit score in two ways: reducing your total available credit and shortening your credit history. Both factors are important in calculating your credit score.

Why It Happens?

You might close an account to simplify your finances or because you no longer use the card. However, this well-intentioned action can backfire.

How to Fix It?

  • Keep Accounts Open: Unless you have a compelling reason, keep your accounts open, even if you don’t use them frequently.

  • Use Dormant Cards Occasionally: Make small purchases and pay them off to keep the account active without incurring debt.

4. New Credit Inquiries

The Impact

When you apply for new credit, lenders conduct hard inquiries into your credit report. Each inquiry can drop your score by a few points, and multiple inquiries in a short period can have a cumulative effect.

Why It Happens?

You might be shopping for a mortgage, car loan, or new credit card. While rate shopping is smart, each application can slightly hurt your score.

How to Fix It?

  • Limit New Applications: Only apply for credit when necessary.

  • Rate Shop in a Short Time Frame: Credit bureaus often count multiple inquiries within a 14-45 day period as one, especially for mortgages and auto loans.

  • Monitor Your Credit: Use credit monitoring services to stay aware of inquiries and their impact.

5. Errors on Your Credit Report

The Impact

Mistakes on your credit report, such as incorrect account information or fraudulent activity, can negatively impact your score.

Why It Happens?

Credit bureaus process vast amounts of data, and errors can slip through. You might also be a victim of identity theft, where fraudulent accounts and charges are made in your name.

How to Fix It?

  • Regularly Check Your Credit Report: Obtain free copies of your credit report from and review them for errors.

  • Dispute Inaccuracies: Contact the credit bureau to dispute any incorrect information.

  • Protect Your Identity: Use identity theft protection services and monitor your financial accounts for unusual activity.

6. High Debt Levels

The Impact

Carrying high levels of debt can significantly lower your credit score. This includes not just credit cards, but also personal loans, mortgages, and other types of debt.

Why It Happens?

Taking on additional debt might be unavoidable in certain situations, like buying a house or dealing with medical expenses. However, high debt levels can indicate financial stress and risk to lenders.

How to Fix It?

  • Create a Debt Repayment Plan: Prioritize paying down high-interest debt first.

  • Consolidate Debt: Consider debt consolidation to manage multiple payments and reduce interest rates.

  • Avoid New Debt: Resist taking on additional debt until your existing balances are under control.

7. Becoming an Authorized User on Someone Else’s Account

The Impact

While becoming an authorized user on someone else's account can sometimes boost your score, it can also have negative consequences if the primary account holder mismanages the account.

Why It Happens?

You might become an authorized user to build your credit, but if the primary account holder has high balances or misses payments, it can hurt your score.

How to Fix It?

  • Choose Responsible Account Holders: Only become an authorized user on accounts with a solid payment history and low balances.

  • Monitor the Account: Keep an eye on the account's activity and request removal if the account negatively impacts your score.

8. Defaulting on a Loan

The Impact

Defaulting on a loan is one of the most severe credit mistakes you can make. It can cause a drastic drop in your credit score and remain on your credit report for up to seven years.

Why It Happens?

Life events such as job loss, illness, or other financial hardships can lead to default. Sometimes, miscommunication with lenders can also result in a default.

How to Fix It?

  • Communicate with Lenders: If you’re struggling to make payments, talk to your lender about your situation. They might offer alternative payment plans or forbearance.

  • Seek Professional Help: Consider credit counseling to explore options for managing your debt and avoiding default.

  • Rebuild Credit: After default, focus on rebuilding your credit by making timely payments and reducing your debt levels.

9. Bankruptcy or Foreclosure

The Impact

Bankruptcy and foreclosure are devastating to your credit score. Both events can stay on your credit report for seven to ten years and make it difficult to obtain new credit.

Why It Happens?

These extreme measures are usually the result of severe financial distress, such as overwhelming debt or inability to meet mortgage payments.

How to Fix It?

  • Rebuild Your Credit: Start by paying all your bills on time and managing your finances responsibly.

  • Use Secured Credit Cards: Secured credit cards can help you rebuild credit by demonstrating good payment habits.

  • Seek Financial Advice: Professional advice can help you create a plan to recover from bankruptcy or foreclosure.

10. Changes in Credit Reporting Models

The Impact

Credit reporting agencies periodically update their scoring models. These changes can cause fluctuations in your credit score without any action on your part.

Why It Happens?

Updates to scoring models aim to provide a more accurate picture of creditworthiness. However, they can also recalibrate the weight of different factors, affecting your score.

How to Fix It?

  • Stay Informed: Keep up with changes in credit scoring models and understand how they impact your score.

  • Focus on Fundamentals: Maintain good credit habits like timely payments, low credit utilization, and managing debt responsibly.


Understanding the reasons behind a drop in your credit score is the first step towards improving it. By addressing these factors proactively, you can prevent future drops and maintain a healthy credit profile. Remember, building and maintaining good credit is a long-term commitment, but with diligence and informed decisions, you can ensure your credit score remains strong.

By staying vigilant and taking appropriate actions, you can demystify the complexities of your credit score and take control of your financial future. So the next time you see an unexpected dip in your score, you’ll know exactly where to look and what steps to take to get back on track. QuickSettle helps businesses avail B2B credit lines with ease and efficiency, empowering them to regain financial stability and focus on growth.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why does my credit score drop when I close a credit card account?

Closing a credit card account can lower your credit score for two main reasons. First, it reduces your total available credit, which can increase your credit utilization ratio (the amount of credit you’re using compared to your total available credit). Second, it can shorten your credit history, especially if the account you closed was one of your older accounts. Both of these factors play a significant role in calculating your credit score.

How do late payments affect my credit score?

Late payments can have a significant negative impact on your credit score because payment history accounts for 35% of your FICO score, making it the most influential factor. A single late payment can cause a noticeable drop in your score, and the longer the payment goes unpaid, the worse the impact. It’s crucial to pay at least the minimum payment by the due date to maintain a healthy credit score.

Can checking my own credit score cause it to drop?

No, checking your own credit score does not cause it to drop. This type of inquiry is known as a “soft inquiry” and does not affect your credit score. Soft inquiries occur when you check your credit report, a lender checks your credit for pre-approval offers, or an employer reviews your credit as part of a background check. Only “hard inquiries,” which occur when you apply for new credit, can potentially lower your score.

How can high credit card balances impact my credit score?

High credit card balances can negatively impact your credit score because they increase your credit utilization ratio. Credit utilization is the percentage of your available credit that you’re using and accounts for about 30% of your credit score.

Ideally, you should aim to keep your credit utilization below 30% of your total available credit. High balances suggest to lenders that you might be overextended and could have difficulty repaying your debts.

What should I do if I find an error on my credit report that is affecting my score?

If you find an error on your credit report, it’s important to dispute it promptly. You can dispute inaccuracies by contacting the credit bureau (Experian, Equifax, or TransUnion) that issued the report.

Provide documentation supporting your claim, such as payment records or correspondence with the lender. The credit bureau is required to investigate the dispute and correct any errors. Regularly monitoring your credit report can help you catch and address errors quickly.


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