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What You Need to Know About Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) in India?

Updated: Apr 30

Statutory Liquidity Ratio

Have you ever wondered how the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) maintains the delicate balance between liquidity and credit creation in the Indian financial system? One of the essential tools in its arsenal is the Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR)

Let's embark on a journey to unravel the intricacies of SLR, its significance, and its impact on the Indian economy and its stakeholders.

Understanding the Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR)

The Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) is a regulatory requirement imposed by the central bank, such as the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in India, that mandates banks to maintain a minimum proportion of their Net Demand and Time Liabilities (NDTL) in the form of highly liquid assets. NDTL refers to the total deposits held by a bank from its customers, encompassing both demand deposits and time deposits.

The purpose of SLR is to ensure financial stability within the banking system by compelling banks to hold a certain portion of their deposits in easily accessible and low-risk assets. These liquid assets, which can include cash, gold, and government securities, serve as a buffer against liquidity shortages and provide banks with the means to meet depositor withdrawals and other financial obligations promptly.

By requiring banks to maintain a minimum level of liquidity through SLR, regulatory authorities aim to mitigate the risk of bank runs or liquidity crises, where a sudden surge in withdrawal requests could threaten the solvency of financial institutions. Additionally, SLR acts as a prudential measure to safeguard the interests of depositors and maintain confidence in the banking system.

Deciphering Net Demand and Time Liabilities (NDTL)

Net Demand and Time Liabilities (NDTL) represent the aggregate of all deposits held by a bank from its customers. This includes two main categories of deposits:

Demand Deposits

Demand deposits are funds deposited by customers that are readily available for withdrawal on demand without any prior notice. These deposits typically include amounts held in current accounts and savings accounts with cheque facilities. Since depositors can access these funds at any time, banks must maintain sufficient liquidity to meet withdrawal requests promptly.

Time Deposits

Time deposits refer to funds deposited by customers for a fixed period, known as the maturity period. Examples of time deposits include fixed deposits (FDs) and recurring deposits (RDs), where customers commit to keeping their funds with the bank for a specified duration. Unlike demand deposits, time deposits cannot be withdrawn before the maturity date without incurring penalties or forfeiting interest. 

Banks use these deposits to fund long-term lending activities and investment opportunities, knowing that the funds will remain with them for a predetermined period.

What Constitutes Liquid Assets for SLR?

The RBI specifies certain assets as "liquid assets" eligible for meeting the SLR requirement. These assets typically include physical cash, a portion of the bank's gold holdings, and government securities like Treasury Bills and bonds.

The Mechanics of SLR

The RBI determines the SLR percentage periodically, currently standing at 50%. This means that for every ₹100 of NDTL, a bank must maintain ₹50 in liquid assets. This regulatory requirement ensures financial stability and prudent liquidity management in the banking system.

Significance of SLR

The SLR serves multiple crucial functions within the Indian banking system:

  • Maintaining Liquidity: One of the primary functions of the SLR is to ensure that banks maintain adequate liquidity to meet depositor demands promptly. By mandating banks to hold a certain percentage of their assets in the form of liquid assets such as cash, gold, or government securities, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) ensures that banks have sufficient resources to honor customer withdrawals and other financial obligations.  This requirement fosters overall financial stability within the banking system, as it prevents liquidity shortages that could lead to bank runs or financial crises.

  • Controlling Credit Expansion: The SLR acts as a tool for controlling credit expansion in the economy. When banks are required to maintain a higher SLR, it limits the amount of funds they can lend for investment and consumption purposes.  By reducing the availability of credit, especially during periods of excessive money supply growth, the SLR helps restrain inflationary pressures in the economy. Thus, a higher SLR serves as a mechanism for the RBI to moderate the money supply and ensure price stability.

  • Promoting Investment in Government Securities: Another significant role of the SLR is to encourage banks to invest in government securities. Banks are allowed to count a portion of their holdings of government securities towards meeting the SLR requirement. As a result, banks have a strong incentive to invest in these securities to comply with SLR regulations. 

This increased demand for government securities helps support the government's borrowing needs by providing a stable and reliable source of funding. Moreover, it facilitates public expenditure by ensuring a steady market for government debt instruments. Overall, the SLR plays a crucial role in channeling funds from banks into government securities, thereby supporting fiscal policy objectives and promoting financial stability.

Impact of SLR on the Indian Economy

The SLR exerts a significant influence on various economic facets:

  • Interest Rates: Changes in the SLR often correlate with fluctuations in interest rates. When the SLR is increased, banks are required to hold a larger portion of their deposits in liquid assets, such as government securities. As a result, banks may have less money available for lending to customers.  This reduction in available funds can lead to a rise in lending rates, as banks seek to maintain profitability while complying with regulatory requirements. Conversely, a decrease in the SLR can free up funds for lending, potentially resulting in lower interest rates as banks compete to attract borrowers.

  • Credit Availability: The SLR directly impacts the availability of credit in the economy. A higher SLR means that banks must set aside a larger portion of their deposits as reserves, leaving less capital available for lending purposes.  This reduction in liquidity can result in tighter credit conditions, making it more difficult for businesses and individuals to access loans and credit facilities. Conversely, a lower SLR can increase the availability of credit, stimulating borrowing and spending in the economy.

  • Economic Growth: The SLR plays a significant role in shaping the trajectory of economic growth. When the SLR is high, banks have less capital available for lending, which can constrain credit flow to businesses and consumers. This restriction on credit can impede investment, consumption, and overall economic activity, potentially slowing down economic growth. 

On the other hand, if the SLR is set too low, banks may have excess liquidity, leading to an increase in lending and potentially fueling inflationary pressures. Therefore, maintaining an optimal SLR is essential for supporting sustainable economic growth while controlling inflationary risks.

Implications of SLR for Businesses and Individuals

Understanding the implications of SLR is crucial for businesses and individuals:

Loan Availability: Increased SLRs can have a significant impact on loan availability. When banks are required to maintain higher SLRs, they have to set aside a larger portion of their deposits as liquid assets, leaving less funds available for lending.  As a result, banks may raise their lending rates or tighten their lending criteria to maintain compliance with SLR regulations. This can lead to higher borrowing costs for businesses and individuals seeking loans, making it more expensive to finance investments or meet financial obligations.  Additionally, a higher SLR may also reduce the overall availability of credit in the economy, making it more challenging for borrowers to access the funds they need.

Investment Opportunities: Higher SLRs can create investment opportunities, particularly in government securities. When banks are required to hold more government securities to meet SLR requirements, the demand for these securities increases. This increased demand can drive up the prices of government securities and reduce their yields.  However, since government securities are considered relatively safe investments, they still offer attractive returns, especially when compared to other investment options. As a result, individuals and institutional investors may allocate more of their funds toward government securities to take advantage of the higher yields, thereby influencing their investment decisions.


The Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) is a cornerstone of India's monetary policy framework, ensuring financial stability and liquidity in the banking system. As businesses, individuals, and stakeholders navigate the complexities of the Indian financial landscape, understanding the nuances of SLR and its implications is paramount.

Additional Points to Consider:

  • The RBI periodically reviews and adjusts the SLR based on economic conditions.

  • SLR's efficacy hinges on its interaction with other monetary policy tools like the Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR).

  • Technological advancements and evolving financial instruments may reshape the future of SLR and its role in maintaining financial stability in India. If you're interested in accessing QuickSettle's B2B credit-enabled services, simply reach out to our team to learn more about our offerings and how they can benefit your business.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR)?

Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) is a regulatory requirement imposed by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on banks to maintain a certain proportion of their net demand and time liabilities (NDTL) in the form of liquid assets like cash, gold, or government-approved securities.

What is the purpose of SLR?

The primary purpose of SLR is to ensure the liquidity and solvency of banks and to promote the stability of the financial system. By mandating banks to hold a portion of their deposits in liquid assets, SLR helps mitigate liquidity risks and ensures that banks have sufficient funds to meet depositor withdrawals and other obligations.

How is SLR calculated?

SLR is calculated as a percentage of a bank's NDTL, which includes demand and time deposits. The RBI sets the SLR requirement and adjusts it periodically based on economic and monetary policy objectives. As of the latest update, the SLR requirement in India stands at 18.00%.

What are the consequences of non-compliance with SLR requirements?

Banks that fail to maintain the required SLR may face penalties imposed by the RBI, including fines and restrictions on lending activities. Non-compliance with SLR requirements can also undermine depositor confidence and erode the stability of the banking system.

How does SLR impact monetary policy and the economy?

SLR is a crucial tool used by the RBI to influence the money supply and credit conditions in the economy. By adjusting the SLR requirement, the RBI can control the amount of funds available for lending by banks, thereby influencing interest rates, inflation, and overall economic growth. Changes in SLR can also affect the liquidity and pricing of government securities in the financial markets.

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